We are a great big happy family,19 of us!
And, yes, we do travel all together!
This all started years ago with Grandma Jan & Papa Ron, who used to travel with their three girls, Heather, Alli, and Amber. I guess they weren't grandparents back then. Together they traveled much of North and South America and a little bit of Europe. But that was back then and this is now ...
Those three girls grew up and now each have a family of their own. When you add in the son-in-laws and grandkids we now equal 19! Thats 8 adults and 11 kids!!! But that really has not slowed us down. We still manage to enjoy airports and airplanes, hotels and restaurants, boats, trains, and buses while on our way to great family destinations like Wailea Hawaii, Necochea Argentina, Grand Marais MN, Nassau Bahamas, Negril Jamaica and of course Disney World in Florida!!! We started this blog so family and friends can follow along and see all the fun (and sometimes not so fun) we have on our traveling adventures. So please sit down and fasten your seat belts ... we may experience some turbulence along the way. Because somedays you just can't predict what the kids (or the grandparents are going to act like)