Today I thought I'd share with you guys some tips on how to get through that sometimes(ok, all the time) dreaded security.
- Slip on shoes
Having to untie and then retie your shoes is a huge pain in that security line. Not just for you, but also for the people around you... we've all been there, someone brings those tennis shoes and they must re-lace them up at the end of the line, holding us up, and making us go on crunch time... it's not fun. So, a simple way to solve this, get a pair of slip on shoes, but not flip flops or sandals! You do not want to walk on that dirty airport floor barefoot... yuck.
- No belt, jewelry or anything metal
This one is a little harder to avoid , but not impossible. If you can, don't wear pants that you have to wear a belt with, sometimes the metal can turn off the detector, and then you're in for an extra scan, and/or pat down. Same goes with jewelry or anything else metal on your clothes. It is just a safe trick to go minus all that stuff. Also, it's a time saver. You don't have to take it off and then put it back on!
- Keep those liquids in your checked bag!
If you have a checked bag, a good idea is to just put all your liquids in there, then you don't have to worry if they are the right size(3oz or less in a carry-on bag), or if they'll be taken away. But, either way, carry-on or suitcase, REMEMBER to keep them INSIDE a plastic bag! You do not want them exploding!
- Blankets, shoes, pacifiers, and other comfort items
If you're traveling with little ones, this tip is one you should maybe write down.
Before you get to security, take off your child's shoes, put their comfort item(blankies, pacifiers, stuffed animals, ect) inside their/your bag. It is a good idea to do this even before you get to the airport. This way, you're not fighting with to get the comfort items away through security, and they don't have to give them to a stranger.
Here is a link to a TSA website for more traveling tips :)
Well, I hope y'all have a great day! And a much smoother trip next time you find yourself going through security :D

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